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Weight Loss

Written by Ambi Dev


Article: Weight Loss

Weight Loss

We can help you lose weight and keep it off. In fact, we believe you will find that our New Improved Weight Management Formula will prove to be the fastest and easiest way to lose weight, ever.

There are many diets and medications used for weight loss. Many though find the diets hard to follow and sometimes problematic or even dangerous. With Homeopathy, there are no side effects and are easy to use and safe!

This diet is structured for rapid weight loss using Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops and a 500-calorie diet plan. Though many have modified the diet adding in another of the meals (700-750 calories) with success, the recommendation and instructions are for the 500-calorie protocol.


Our Homeopathic Weight Management Formula are oral, sub-lingual (under the tongue) Homeopathic DROPS – NOT DRUGS!

Homeopathic Weight Management Formula dosing schedule:

Take 10-15 drops, 3-6 times daily (1/3 dropper 3- 6 times daily)

We have found that in the beginning, many have felt hungry at only 3 doses daily but with increasing to 6 doses daily hunger is abated. If after being on the protocol for a while you are not experiencing any hunger at all, you can go down to the 3 doses daily.

Take your dose at least 15 minutes prior to or after having anything in your mouth (food, toothpaste, drink, gum, etc. Water is fine).

DIRECTIONS: Please read the following before starting!

I. Loading Phase

II. VLCD (very low calorie diet) Phase
    A. The Diet
    B. Sample Day Menu
    C. Tips on managing stalls/gains
    D. How to do a steak day
    E. How to do an apple day

III. Maintenance Phase
    A. Phase 2
    B. Phase 3
    C. Phase 2 & 3 drops


DAY 1 & 2 (Loading Days):

You must eat to capacity the most fattening food you can get down. During these 2 days pretend that ALL foods are good for you! You should eat more fatty foods than usual. This is to ensure all normal and structural fat is full before starting the Homeopathic Weight Loss Diet and the 500-calorie diet. During these 2 days you will take your Homeopathic Weight Management Formula 10-15 drops 3 times daily.

Some recommended high fat foods:

  • avocados
  • full fat yogurt
  • buttermilk
  • whole milk
  • olive oil
  • cream
  • coconut oil
  • high fat fishes (sardines, tuna, salmon, etc.)
  • flax
  • egg yolks
  • full fat coconut milk
  • nuts
  • nut butters
  • olives
  • butter
  • ghee
  • cheese

II. VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) PHASE

DAY 3:

  1. First, take your body measurements and record them (neck, chest, waist, hips, right bicep & right thigh). Take your measurements once a week.
  2. Start the 500 Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). For the next 23-44 days you will take your Homeopathic Weight Management Formula, 10-15 drops, minimum of 3 times, maximum of 6 times daily without food.
  3. Click here to download the VLCD Journal page to track your daily diet progress.


BREAKFAST:  Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk is allowed in 24 hours. Stevia or Xylitol may be used. (Xylitol can be used with caution. It is not in the original protocol, but some use it without any effect on their weight loss. If you’re experiencing stalls take it out).

LUNCH:  Each serving is 100 grams (3.5 oz). All meat is to be weighed raw (before cooking). Remove all visible fat before weighing. No pork of any kind during this time period. No cheese. If you are a vegetarian you can substitute the meat for 500cc (1 pint) of skimmed milk. You can turn the milk into curds (also check the proteins for vegetarian section below). Preferred cooking methods: broil, steam, braise, roast, stewed or grilled. Remove all visible fat before cooking. Do not use any OIL during this time. We do know the importance of good oils… this is only temporary.

1. Allowed proteins are (choose one each meal – do not mix):

  • Veal
  • Lean beef*
  • Steak
  • Kidneys
  • Chicken Breast (this means only the breast, and only from chicken, no other bird. Remove the meat from the bone before cooking.)
  • Fresh White fish (Flounder, Sole, Wild Chilean Sea Bass, Grouper, Halibut, Perch, Cod, Haddock, Tilapia, and Trout. (NO salmon, tuna, eel, herring, mackerel, dried, or pickled fish)
  • Lobster
  • Crab
  • Shrimp
  • Prawns
*Make sure to take note of the calorie content of each 100g serving. Lean ground beef can have around 200 calories per serving while the other protein options have around 110-160 calories. Remember you cannot go over 500 calories per day.


Protein for vegetarians:

Non-vegetarians can also use the following, but limit to 3 times a week or less.

  • 500 cc skimmed milk (1 pint)
  • 1 whole egg and 3 whites (cooked any way, no oil)
  • non-fat cottage cheese (3.5oz)
  • Quorn naked chik'n cutlets (1-2 patties)
  • Jay Robb unsweetened protein powder (1 scoop, or 1 serving)
  • Whey protein unsweetened or sweetened with stevia (1 serving)
  • Non-fat Unsweetened Greek Yogurt (Trader Joe's brand is recommended)

Note: Some of these items are not on the original protocol because there were so few protein options for vegetarians when it was created. Having said that, if any of these consistently make you gain or stall consider discontinuing use of that item.

2. Allowed vegetables are (choose one each meal – do not mix):

Do not mix the vegetables; you can have 2 servings (2 measured cups/meal) a day (one different each meal) for the majority of the vegetables. Certain vegetables should be limited to a smaller serving.

  • spinach
  • chard
  • chicory (1 cup)
  • beet-greens
  • green salad
  • tomatoes (1 cup)
  • celery
  • fennel (1 1/2 cups)
  • onions (1 cup)
  • red radishes
  • cucumbers
  • asparagus
  • cabbage
  • broccoli*

   *Limit to 2 times per week.

3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast
   (If your weight loss slows or stalls, consider dropping these for the remainder of the time.)

4. Fruit:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 1 handful of strawberries (about 10 medium or 6 large strawberries)

DINNER: The same four choices as lunch. Do not have the same protein or the same vegetable in the same day.


  • Lemons: The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressings. Any spice without sugar is OK. Vinegar is good to have.
  • Drinks: Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times as long as you drink at least a minimum of 2 quarts of water. (I recommended ½ your body weight in oz’s.) No sugar, Aspartame or other synthetic sweeteners can be used. Only Stevia or Xylitol products can be used as a sweetener (Xylitol is not in the original protocol, but some use it without any effect on their weight loss. If you’re experiencing stalls…take it out.) . Enjoy unlimited water, coffee & tea.
  • Miracle Noodles: Miracle Noodles are a great way to curb hunger. Although they are not on the original protocol, many find that they are a great help during those times of intense hunger. Made from Glucomannan, a water-soluble fiber made from the konjac root, Miracle Noodles have zero calories, zero fat, zero sugars, and less than 1 g of carbs. Even though Miracles Noodles work for many, some may experience stalls or gains. Please remember that every body is different and if you do experience stalls or gains after eating Miracle Noodles remove them from your diet. It is best not to have them more than 3 times per week. Miracle Noodles can be purchased on their website or from Amazon.
  • Importance of the strict diet/weighing meat: No variations or substitutes other than those listed may be used. All things not listed are forbidden, be assured that nothing permissible has been left out. No fat, oil, butter, or dressing is allowed. The 100 grams of meat must be scrupulously weighed raw after all visible fat has been removed. To do this accurately the patient must have a letter-scale, as kitchen scales are not sufficiently accurate and the butcher should certainly not be relied upon. You will be naturally detoxing so try to eat your fruit and vegetables (as well as Protein) organic as much as possible! If you come to a point while on the VLCD that you are not hungry even with the small amount of food allotted (I have seen it on the Homeopathic Weight Loss!) you can omit first the bread and/or the fruit.
  • Breaking up meals/recording intake: There is no objection to breaking up the two meals or for those with hypoglycemia; you may find the need to even split your regular meals (protein and vegetables) into more frequent, smaller meals. For instance having a breadstick and an apple for breakfast or before going to bed, provided they are deducted from the regular meals. The whole daily ration of two breadsticks or two fruits may not be eaten at the same time, nor can any item be saved from the previous day and added in on the following day. In the beginning, patients are advised to check every meal against their diet sheet before starting to eat and not to rely on their memory. It is also worth pointing out that any attempt to follow this diet without the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops should not be attempted and is very bad for you!
  • Portions: It is best to have your portions cooked and bagged for quicker meal assembly, storing extra proteins in the freezer for faster preparation. PLAN YOUR MEALS IN ADVANCE to facilitate success. Go shopping in the 1st two days while you are ‘loading’ to stock up so you won’t be tempted! After your 1st week on the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula and the 500-calorie diet it will be much easier as you won’t be hungry.
  • Protein intake on the VLCD: The daily food intake should include 2 servings (200 grams/ 7 oz. total) of meat or other protein source (not grams of protein itself, but 200 grams by weight of a protein source). If you are a vegetarian you can substitute the meat for 500 cc of skimmed milk. You can turn the milk into curds. (see above for other vegetarian options)
  • Coconut Oil: 1 Tbsp of raw coconut oil is allowed daily. (Many mix it with a tsp of unsweetened cocoa and a little stevia and freeze it for a lovely dessert)!

B. Sample Day on VLCD, Homeopathic Weight Loss 500-Calorie Diet

This is just a suggestion; you can plan your meals and snacks in the order that works best for you.

  • Wake up, take (1st dose)Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops, go to the restroom, weigh & record.
  • 15-30 minutes later have coffee, hot tea or hot water with lemon or herbal tea (add Stevia if desired). You are allowed 1 Tbsp of 2% milk per day.
  • Water


  • 1 Organic Apple (Eat slowly with a knife, piece by piece)
  • Water
  • 15-30 minutes later: (2nd dose) Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops

Mid-Morning Snack:

  • 1 cup of tea (black or herbal or lemon juice with water and Stevia)
  • 1 Melba Toast or Grissini
  • Water
  • 15-30 minutes later: (3rd dose) Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops


  • 3½-4 oz approved Protein
  • 2 cups approved Vegetables
  • Water
  • 15-30 minutes later: (4th dose) Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops

Afternoon Snack:

  • Tea, Coffee or water with Stevia
  • 1 Melba toast or Grissini (Not the same you ate earlier in the day)
  • Water
  • 15-30 minutes later: (5th dose) Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops


  • 3½-4 oz Protein (not the same you had earlier in the day)
  • 2 cups Vegetables (not the same you had earlier in the day)
  • Water
  • 15-30 minutes later: (6th & last dose) Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops

Evening Snack:

  • Handful of organic Strawberries (with Stevia if you like)
  • Water

Yeah! You made it through another day of the Homeopathic Weight Management protocol and are closer to your goal of being HEALTHY! Remember…do not repeat any of your foods in the same day!

You will feel better each day, especially after you weigh in!

C. Tips on Managing Stalls/Gains:

  • Watch what you’re eating; consider a food journal and you might find patterns of foods that cause you not to lose, gain, or to lose fantastically. A lot of people have had problems losing with tomatoes and oranges (but some people have no problem at all). Everybody is different and you need to monitor your own body and see what works (and doesn’t work) for you.
  • Make sure you are drinking enough water (at least 2 liters a day).
  • Those that have held true to the diet and not cheated have been rewarded with a large weight reduction when it finally drops. You will usually resume your previous average loss before the stall.
  • Each time you stall, take your measurements; you have probably lost inches (remember you are losing Pounds and INCHES).
  • You could gain some weight and not have cheated, depending on your menses, ovulation, and hormones. Almost all of us have seen the scale go up due to water retention, etc.
  • If you eat more salt in the food you prepare, and your body isn’t used to that sodium level, your blood volume will increase to handle the extra salt, which will translate into a gain because you’re retaining water to boost that blood volume. In other words, watch your salt intake.
  • Remember you lose fat from the body cells but the cells do not disappear at the same time. The cell structure is still present for two to three days while the body breaks down the cellulose and fills the cell with water in order to release it (through urine). Once the fat cell is removed, you will see the drop.
  • Sensitivity/allergies to foods (like lemons) may cause weight stalls. Check your food diary and listen to your body. Your body will tell you right away what works and does not work for you!
  • Pay attention to weight gains, they usually signify a mishap in the protocol, like not drinking enough water, eating too many/too few calories, too much salt, or (inadvertently) eating foods (or lotions, etc.) not allowed on the protocol.
  • Apple cider vinegar has been effective for many clients in breaking a stall or raising the level of weight loss. You can use it for salad dressing or make a drink with 1 part apple cider vinegar and 4 parts mineral or regular water and stevia to taste. Some people don’t like the taste of apple cider vinegar, but you can water it down as much as you like.
  • Some clients report that drinking 2 or more cups of green tea helps with losing more.
  • If you are eating mostly apples as your fruit try switching your fruit.
  • Hidden Sugars: Some products like spices or chicken include sugar additives. Be sure to check all your ingredients.
  • Weight gains/stalls may take a few days to kick in. For example, you could mix your veggies for a few days and assume there is no problem based on what the scale reads, but then a stall or gain can suddenly reflect the breaking of the rules. Many people believe a stall comes out of nowhere, but it is usually instigated by something (if not a previous weight set point).
  • It is important to know that what works for one person does NOT mean it will work for everyone; to prevent stalls/gains simply do not make changes to the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula protocol just because someone else is losing with that modification.
  • In women, menstrual periods increase water retention, and water weight shows on the scale. If you know you are following the plan and are not cheating, you just need to accept that the stall/gain is temporary and continue to follow the protocol. The drop will happen once the menstrual cycle is normalized in the body.
  • If you have been stalling for 3 days or more you can try to remove 1 or more of your daily breadstick/melba toast rations or 1 of your fruits.
  • If you are following the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops protocol in every way and see no other reason for a stall/gain, look at your life and the levels of stress. Stress can cause a cortisol release, which hinders weight loss and/or causes you to gain weight or at least to not lose weight. Try to remain calm and stress-free. Sleep is a big factor for increased stress. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
  • If you decide to cheat, you have to take responsibility for that cheat. You will feel guilty and unsatisfied, and you will pay for the cheat for three to five days and may feel like giving up. This can be 3-5 days of the scale going up, or staying the same. You will pay for your mistakes, and it is time discouraging. There is nothing you can do except stop the cheating and promise yourself that you will not cheat again. The only way to fix a cheat is to get back on track and make the resolve to not cheat. The more you tell yourself that you cannot cheat, the stronger you should feel.
  • If someone tells me they will be in a situation where they HAVE to cheat (prepared food at wedding, etc.) I recommend 3 things:
        1) Try to eat before so you are not really hungry
        2) Sneak in permissible food and
        3) Cheat with foods that ARE allowed (i.e. more chicken, more vegetable)
  • When you use food as an emotional crutch, you will find it difficult to cope without that crutch while on the VLCD. You need to fill the empty spot with something healthy that you can enjoy both on and off the protocol. This will not only reduce cravings, but also help you maintain your new healthy weight. Some possibilities include yoga, dancing, painting, walking, and gardening.

Expect to be hungry, cranky, emotional, etc., especially in the beginning. If you know it will happen then when it does you will know it is only temporary, this too shall pass and it will be worth it!

D. How To Do a Steak Day

On a steak day you don't eat anything until dinner. You drink plenty of water and other permissible drinks then at the end of the day you eat a large steak and one fresh organic tomato or one apple. I usually eat an early dinner when doing a steak day.

   ‘Mini’ steak day:  Same as above with the addition of one apple in the morning.

E. How to do an Apple Day

Eat 1 organic apple every 3 hours. Remember to eat it slowly and make sure to get your water intake for the day!

III. MAINTENANCE PHASE 2 & 3   (6 Weeks)

A. Maintenance Phase 2  (3 weeks)

Following 23- 44 days of the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops Protocol above:

The maintenance phase 2 is the 3-week period AFTER you finish your drops. I cannot stress enough that the 3 weeks following the 500-calorie Homeopathic Weight Management Formula protocol are just as important, if not more so than the 500-calorie phase! There are a few simple rules you must follow: you must weigh yourself every day, you must remain within 2 pounds of your last dose weight (either above or below), and you cannot eat sugars and starches.

It is extremely important to eat enough protein on this phase! Many people eat at least 100 grams of protein daily -- this is approximately 14 oz (400 grams) of food, weighed raw.

If you go over the 2 pounds, you must do a Steak Day or Apple Day  this is explained in the protocol below and in the Tips on Managing Stalls/Gains section at the bottom of this page. We want to be clear that this 3-week period is crucial to the success of the diet. The entire phase is explained in Dr. Simeons’ "Pounds & Inches" (click here to download the PDF), and we compiled a list to help you out.

NOTE:The phase begins 72 hours (3 days) after your last dose of the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula (be sure to count!)

First thing when beginning the 3-week Maintenance Phase, make sure to increase your calories to at least 1500. Don’t try to continue the diet after the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops are out of your system. Bear in mind, your weight may fluctuate the first week or two; this is normal. Do a Steak Day if you need to. The weight will eventually stabilize. Omit starch and sugar religiously during the 3 weeks of Maintenance. Read labels. Continue eating organic food if possible.

Eat whatever you want, without starch or sugar, during the maintenance phase. Make sure you are eating enough. Use healthy fats and dairy products to up your calorie intake if necessary. Drink enough water, 2 quarts or more daily.

We highly suggest using the Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Drops. This combination remedy helps while on the Maintenance phase with fatigue, hunger, and cravings and helps insure keeping all that weight off that you lost! Permanently!

Please read the following and then start the directions that follow the product information!


  1. INCREASE CALORIES – to at least 1,500 a day.
  2. WEIGH yourself every day.
  4. FATS & DAIRY – Use healthy fats and dairy products. Dairy and fats can also be useful to up your calorie intake if necessary.
  5. DRINK WATER – Drink at least 2 liters a day.
  6. PROTEIN – Protein types are no longer restricted although you should keep eating lean and organic and/or range/grass fed meats. Eat 400 grams or 14 ounces a day.
  7. Steak Day – If your weight goes over or under by 2 pounds from your last day of taking the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops… you must do a steak day.
  8.  Some do an Apple Day instead where you eat 1 organic apple every 2-3 hours for 1 entire day.


All vegetables are acceptable, but watch out for high glycemic value vegetables like:

  • Beets
  • Beans (all of them)
  • Carrots
  • Corn
  • Parsnips
  • Peas
  • Plantains
  • Potatoes in all forms
  • Acorn and butternut Squash


All fruits are acceptable, but be careful with certain high glycemic fruits like:

  • Bananas
  • Plantains
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon

Additionally avoid the following:

  • No sugars, including high-fructose corn syrup!
  • No artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, NutraSweet, Splenda, saccharin, etc.
  • Use only Stevia or Xylitol 
  • No fast food. It can't be depended on to be clean enough for this phase of the diet.
  • No trans fats, hydrogenated oils.
  • No nitrites, preservatives, MSG, or food additives, food coloring, etc.

B. Maintenance Phase 3  (3 weeks)

Phase 3 of the diet is the time period where you slowly add in starches and sugars and begin to get used to your normal diet. (Hopefully much healthier at this point!). Your body is still sensitive to starches and sugars, but will adjust. Remember that the key to know how your body handles certain foods is the scale. If you’re sensitive to any foods it will show up within 2 mornings on the scale. 

C. Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Drops

Our Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Drops work with your system to enhance and boost your metabolism naturally. They can be taken during phase 2 and during Phase 3.

Our Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Drops address three issues:

  1. Boosts your metabolism
  2. Reduce cravings for sugar and carbs
  3. Helps you maintain your weight

Our Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Drops have been formulated to speed the metabolism as the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops and Protocol metabolize the fat while also effectively controlling your cravings for carbohydrates and sweets without dangerous stimulants or side effects. This natural, homeopathic Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Support formula supports the thyroid, normalizes energy and doesn't raise your blood pressure.

Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Support formula will:

  • Support the liver
  • Help the body burn fat
  • Support the digestive system
  • Minimize cravings for carbohydrates and sugars
  • Assist the Homeopathic Weight Management Formula drops and Protocol (you just finished) to normalize and balance your weight
  • Support the Thyroid, Pituitary and Hypothalamus
  • Metabolize fat
  • Boost Energy Levels
  • KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF! (Most important of all!)


    Phase 2 – Take 10-15 drops 3 times a day before or after meals.

    Phase 3 – Take 10-15 drops once a day.

VIEW INGREDIENTS:  Maintenance Phase 2 & 3 Support Formulaclick


To get started on your Homeopathic Weight Management journey, check out our line of products

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